Sometimes, it is convenient if I know I am in frontmatter or bodymatter. when desinging a book, we make a new chapter open at a right page and design the header to show the chapter title and pagenumber. We have to set the pagenumber at the page where a chapter title is located. \definetext [chapterstart] [footer] [{\hfill\bf\pagenumber\hfill}]\setuphead [chapter] [footer=chapterstart] if this book consists of a frontmatter and a backmatter, I have to set the text for the titles in frontmatter and chapters in bodymatter like this, for roman pagenumber in frontmatter. \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \definetext [titlestart] [footer] [{\hfill\bf\romannumerals\pagenumber\hfill}] \setuphead [title] [footer=titlestart]\stopsectionblockenvironment \startsectionblockenvironment[bodypart] \definetext [chapterstart] [footer] [{\hfill\bf\pagenumber\hfill}] \setuphead [chapter] [footer=chapterstart]\stopsectionblockenvironment so, is there a command to make me know if I am in frontmatter or bodymatter? if so, I can use only one command to achieve that setup \definetext [chapterstart] [footer] [{\hfill\bf\ifinfrontmatter ... \else ... \fi\hfill}] regards, Tim