Hi everyone

Following MWE produces an error on newest lmtx (current version: 2020.09.03 20:03):

   \draw plot file {data.table};

with data.table:

150 -0.102
150.1 -0.15
150.2 -0.389
150.3 -0.15
150.4 -0.389
150.5 -0.15
150.6 -0.293
150.7 -0.341
150.8 -0.485
150.9 -0.293

(data.table could be any x-y-pair)

The error says: 
tex error on line 5 in file ./plot.tex: Argument of \pgf@parsexyline has an extra }

It doesn't seem to be directly related to https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/10267/how-to-find-unmatched-brackets-in-a-text-file as I have tested to convert data.table to dos-Format with unix2dos. No success.

I'm working on linux (debian).

What am I missing? Or is this a bug?

Many thanks