What is the context way to place text near a table (or another float) in an enumeration-environment? I just want to have the text "just this...." right to the table. The second item "2)" should be below the table. In the (not so) MWE all is fine, but the table is not indented. When I use \placetable the text is indented, but the second item is placed near the table on the right. (I could insert a \blank[xycm] but I don't think it's the way to solve my problem.) Thanks for all comments Christian \starttext \startitemize[n,packed,joinedup][stopper=)] \item Abhängigkeit der Beschleunigung von der Wagenmasse $m$: \blank $M=$ \hl[5] \unit{kg} \blank \starttabletext[left,high,none]{}{ %\placetable[left,high,none]{}{ \starttable[|l|l|] \HL \VL $m$ in kg \VL $a$ in \unit{m isquare s} \VL\NR \HL \VL \qquad \VL \qquad \VL\AR \VL \VL \VL\AR \HL \VL \VL \VL\AR \VL \VL \VL\AR \HL \VL \VL \VL\AR \VL \VL \VL\AR \HL \stoptable} Just this text near the table! \stoptabletext \item second item ... \stoptext