Issues encountered with version 2021.03.31 18:04. 1. Comments in SVG % SOF \startbuffer[svg] \stopbuffer \starttext \placefigure{}{\includesvgbuffer[svg][conversion=mp]} \stoptext % EOF Expected: Black circle, no border, comment lines ignored. Actual: Empty square. 2. Transparent stroke % SOF \startbuffer[svg] \stopbuffer \starttext \placefigure{}{\includesvgbuffer[svg][conversion=mp]} \stoptext % EOF Expected: Light cyan rectangle, no border (it's transparent). Actual: Light cyan rectangle with visible border. 3. Inkscape font specification We discussed this previously: Inkscape extends the SVG specification with a custom style class ("-inkscape-font-specification") that allows its users to refine font styles. % SOF \startbuffer[svg] Roboto Ultra-Light \stopbuffer \starttext \placefigure{}{\includesvgbuffer[svg][conversion=mp]} \stoptext % EOF Expected: "Roboto Ultra-Light" appears in Roboto Ultra-Light font. Actual: Empty square. Supporting this via MetaPost would help maintain backwards compatibility (with ConTeXt invoking Inkscape). Thank you!