% Hans, sorry for having replied on the wrong channel before. On Tue, 3 Nov 2020 at 09:03, Hans Hagen wrote: > On 11/3/2020 4:05 AM, Sylvain Hubert wrote: > > > as tables like those in setuphead({somehead}, {somesettings}) are > > actual Lua tables and follow Lua, not TeX, rules > > But there are lua apis that support delayed TeX like > > `context.chapter(context.delayed'text')`. > > Whether or not the function is stored in a table should be theoretically > > irrelevant. > > I guess there should be a switch somewhere that let the command > > recognized delayed function. > all is possible but not all is reasonable to support .. adding layer > upon layed doesn't make it more pretty > Indeed, but still it would be nice to have a complete and consistent interface between tex and lua unless it would harm the functionality. > > anyway, chapter (section) titles go tinto a toc table and storing lua > delayed function definitions there makes not much sense > > It might be helpful in cases like alternative coloring. Writing "function() local x=1; return function() x=1-x; return ({'black', 'gray'})[x] end end" can be way much easier for lua speakers than digging up a bunch of documentations to figure out whether it's implemented, or how it can be implemented in a language like TeX, or both which is worse. In such cases, it would also be much natural to write 'before=function()..' than 'before=\ctxlua{function()...}` unless, again, the former harms the functionality. Sylvain