There is plenty of information available about how to deal with issues related to chapter openings (*headings*) in *Context* but I have not found any related to document endings.

I would like to end the chapters of a book with some small decorative element, be it text or graphics; let us call it a *Fleuron*. Just putting it in the last line of the text file to be typeset, one can take for sure that earlier or later it will end appearing as the only element of the last page of the product of some run. To avoid this undesirable outcome, it seems to me that one is forced to provide some help to *Context* via some text marks or some code, but I have not been able to conjecture what they should be.

The clearest arrangement would seem to be the inclusion at the end of the source document of some *Context* instructions equivalent to the following pseudocode:

    if *Fleuron* fits into the current page:
        typeset *Fleuron*

But how do I formulate the condition? How do I know what is the *current page*, what is the size that *Context* has calculated for *Fleuron* and what is the amount of space remaining in the page?

One can imagine that this method could even be helpful in other situations of the typesetting operation not related to the last page.

Does someone know how to handle it?

Thanks in advance

Francisco Gracia