Hello, I'm sorry this probably is a dumb question but I'm really lost in my searches. I'm new to context/tex and have been learning/finding information in the wiki at the contextgarden.net for the past couple of weeks. Some of information there don't seem up to date but nothing unusual in an unofficial wiki. For some reason (isp/dns/something) the contextgarden.net has been unavailiable to me since yesterday even though some verification sites show it up and some show it down (http://www.isitdownrightnow.com been one of the later). That got me wondering if there are easy official docs. I've seen the pdfs at pragma-ade.com but the most general ones I tried are from 1999 (ms-cb-en.pdf) and 2001 (cont-eni.pdf). Are these up to date with the current developments? I belive they are compatible but having seen examples of changes in the wiki I a little unsure. Furthermore, the parameter behavior description in the command reference seem a bit... dry. So here's my plea for a little bit more love for the documentation. In any way, thank you very much for an awesome language, I'm glad I researched thoroughly before jumping into latex. YT