Hi, I would like to obtain, if possible, a gray gradient like in the image. My code uses Metapost but maybe this is possible with Metafun. Thanks. Fabrice \starttext \startMPcode u=1.2cm; interim ahangle := 30; z0=(0,0); z1=(3u,0); z2=(3u,4u); z3=(0,4u); z4=(0.8u,4u); z5=(2.2u,4u); path rectangle; rectangle=z0--z1--z2--z3--cycle; picture X; X = image( drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1.25 withcolor \MPcolor{orange}); draw (left--right) scaled 2; draw (down--up) scaled 2; drawoptions(); ); fill z0--z4--z3--cycle withcolor .5[red,green]; fill z1--z5--z2--cycle withcolor .5[red,green]; fill z0--z4--z5--z1--cycle withcolor 0.625white; draw z0--z4--z3--cycle; draw z1--z5--z2--cycle; draw rectangle; path a[]; a1 = subpath (0, 1) of rectangle shifted 10 down; a2 = subpath (3, 4) of rectangle shifted 10 left; a3 = subpath (2.26, 2.76) of rectangle shifted 13 up; drawdblarrow a1; label.bot("$30$", point 1/2 of a1); drawdblarrow a2; label.lft("$x+20$", point 1/2 of a2); drawdblarrow a3; label.top("$x$", point 1/2 of a3); draw X shifted z0; draw X shifted z1; draw X shifted z2; draw X shifted z3; draw X shifted z4; draw X shifted z5; label.ulft("B",z3); label.urt("C",z2); label.lrt("D",z1); label.llft("A",z0); label.top("E",z4); label.top("F",z5); \stopMPcode \stoptext