Hi, Here is the resulting file with LuaLaTeX. Thank you. 2014/1/18 Fabrice Couvreur > Hi, > I use the following header to my statements made with tittlesec package. > > \makeatletter > > \newcommand{\@classe}[1]{} > \newcommand{\classe}[1]{\gdef\@classe{#1}} > \newcommand{\@typedevoir}[1]{} > \newcommand{\typedevoir}[1]{\gdef\@typedevoir{#1}} > \newcommand{\@numerodevoir}[1]{} > \newcommand{\numerodevoir}[1]{\gdef\@numerodevoir{#1}} > \AtBeginDocument{\section{\@typedevoir\space\no\@numerodevoir}} > \titleformat{\section}[frame] > {\normalfont} > {\footnotesize\enspace\itshape\@classe\enspace--\enspace Le > \@date\enspace} > {10pt} > {\Large\scshape\bfseries\filcenter} > \makeatother > > I want to gradually move to ConTeXt and I tried to create the same header. > But I do not yet know all the commands to do with ConTeXt. > > \setuptextrules > [style=\it,location=top] > \define[6]\MyHeader{% > > \textrule[top]{#1\space--\space\date[d=#2,m=#3,y=#4]}{\startlinealignment[middle]{\cap > \bf #5 \space n\high{{o}}\space {#6}}\stoplinealignment\blank\textrule}} > > \starttext > \MyHeader{Seconde GTA}{11}{1}{2014}{Devoir de Mathématiques}{7} > \stoptext > Thank you. >