Den ons 26 jan. 2022 09:44Otared Kavian via ntg-context skrev: > > > On 26 Jan 2022, at 00:17, Hans Hagen via ntg-context > wrote: > > […] > > times (clocks) were definitely different per city > > Regarding the issue of the absolute necessity of defining a standard time > the book by Peter Galison « Einstein’s Clocks, Poincaré’s Maps » gives some > interesting insight. In particular, since after the mid 19th century trains > were developed while the time was not standardized, many accidents happened > with hundreds of people killed. This led Henri Poincaré, Lorentz and > Einstein (among other mathematcians and physicists) to th enotion of > relativity… > > Regarding the measure of the distance, area, volumes and weight indeed > each region of the world had its own units because the trade and exchange > of products were essentially local. With the progressive extension of the > exchanges between regions and countries the need for a standardization > appeared more and more. > For example the problem of measuring grains is a quite difficult one: if > one measures the weight, depending on how much humidity the grains contain, > one has different amount of the real stuff. If one measures the volume of > the grains, then according how compressed they are, the amount of the > grains may be different… (at some point there was a law which stated that > when a unit vessel of grains was to be sold, the seller should struck the > bottom of the vessel on a table three times and then refill again sthe > vessel for it to be full). > > The measure of the distances on roads in the Persian empire had one unit > and one subunit: « parasang » and « mil ». Parasang, which means « big > stone » in Persian, was the average distance which a fantassin could walk > in a certain amount of time, and was marked by a large piece of stone on > the road (this is also reported by Herodotus). Each parasang was divided > into three « mil », which means « iron bar » in Persian, and was marked by > planting an iron bar on the road side. A parasang is between 5400 and 6000 > meters, and thus a « mil » is something about 1800 and 2000 meters. These > units were used in many areas outside the Persian empire, and are still > used, in particular the parasang, in Iran and Afghanistan (in Iran a > parasang is 6 kilometers now). (Personnaly I think the Roman mile has its origin in the Persian « mil »: I > think the etymology of the word mile based on the word « mille », a > thousand, cannot be correct since it does not correspond to one thousand of > any other unit of length used in the Roman empire). > The unit of which the Roman mile was a thousand was a pace, which was otherwise not commonly used as a measurement. The full Latin term is _milia passum_, literally 'a thousand of steps', i.e. of a military unit on march. I wonder if _mil_ as a Persian unit of measurement isn't spurious, or in fact a Greek (or e.g. Phrygian) word since Old Persian did not have any /l/ sound. At least in the OP script PIE _*l_ has merged totally with _*r_. In Middle Persian OP _rd_ became _l_. Possibly that happened early in the spoken language. /Benct > Best regards: Otared > > > > > ___________________________________________________________________________________ > If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to > the Wiki! > > maillist : / > > webpage : / > archive : > wiki : > > ___________________________________________________________________________________ >