I'm following the instructions in http://pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/xml-mkiv.pdf for using XML in ConTeXt. When I run the first example, I get a PDF, but only the hard-coded text string "Contents" is in the PDF; none of the strings from the XML file are in the PDF. Any ideas? - Steve Mac OSX 10.7.5, MacTEX-2013 I've created the following two files: ================== demo.xml ==================
Some title

a paragraph of text

another paragraph of text

================== demo-converter.tex ================== \startxmlsetups xml:demo:base \xmlsetsetup{demo}{*}{-} \xmlsetsetup{demo}{document|section|p}{xml:demo:*} \stopxmlsetups \xmlregisterdocumentsetup{demo}{xml:demo:base} \startxmlsetups xml:demo:document \title{Contents} \placelist[chapter] \page \xmlflush{#1} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:section \chapter{\xmlfirst{#1}{/title}} \xmlfirst{#1}{/content} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:p \xmlflush{#1}\endgraf \stopxmlsetups \xmlprocessfile{demo}{demo.xml}{} ================== and the command I'm running is context demo-converter.tex Standard out is: ================== ConTeXt ver: 2013.04.20 01:15 MKIV current fmt: 2013.12.26 int: english/english system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv) system > files > jobname 'demo-converter', input './demo-converter', result 'demo-converter' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active (/Users/sanderson/dev/doc/main/feature/texml/content/demo-converter.tex structure > sectioning > title @ level 2 : 0.0 -> Contents fonts > beware: no fonts are loaded yet, using 'lm mono' in box backend > xmp > using file '/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1 structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> \xmlfirst {demo::5}{/title} ) system > invalid \starttext ... \stoptext structure pages > flushing realpage 2, userpage 2 ) mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmfcnf.lua;selfautoparent:/texmf-dist/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: readable: '/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/context/a86c089b384a3076dc514ba966a1fac9' | readable+writable: '/Users/sanderson/Library/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/context/a86c089b384a3076dc514ba966a1fac9' mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.415 seconds, 0 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 7 found files, scanned paths: mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 326 modules (0.207 sec), 69 tables (0.003 sec), 395 chunks (0.210 sec) mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 41 nodes, 9 lists of 441 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 3 penalty, 12 attribute, 36 glue_spec, 3 attribute_list mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 6 unique task lists, 5 instances (re)created, 103 calls mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2 mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.005 seconds saving, 0.001 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: 290 direct, 197 indirect, 487 total mkiv lua stats > randomizer: resumed with value 0.88342237327407 mkiv lua stats > xml load time: 0.002 seconds, 1 files, 1 converted mkiv lua stats > lxml preparation time: 0.000 seconds, 9 nodes, 20 lpath calls, 1 cached calls mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: demo-converter.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompreslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 1 files: lmmono10-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > fonts load time: 0.042 seconds mkiv lua stats > luatex banner: this is luatex, version beta-0.76.0-2013052718 (tex live 2013) (rev 4627) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 35558 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > current memory usage: 47 MB (ctx: 47 MB) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.676 seconds, 2 processed pages, 2 shipped pages, 2.959 pages/second system | total runtime: 1.382 ================== and here's the log file ================== (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv ConTeXt ver: 2013.04.20 01:15 MKIV current fmt: 2013.12.26 int: english/english system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv) system > files > jobname 'demo-converter', input './demo-converter', result 'demo-converter' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active (/Users/sanderson/dev/doc/main/feature/texml/content/demo-converter.tex structure > sectioning > title @ level 2 : 0.0 -> Contents fonts > beware: no fonts are loaded yet, using 'lm mono' in box backend > xmp > using file '/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1 structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> \xmlfirst {demo::5}{/title} ) system > invalid \starttext ... \stoptext structure pages > flushing realpage 2, userpage 2 ) system > files > start used files used files > 1: filename=cont-yes.mkiv filetype=tex foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv usedmethod=database used files > 2: filename=cont-new.mkiv filetype=tex foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv usedmethod=database used files > 3: filename=lang-us.lua filetype=lua foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/patterns/lang-us.lua usedmethod=database used files > 4: filename=/Users/sanderson/dev/doc/main/feature/texml/content/demo-converter.tex foundname=/Users/sanderson/dev/doc/main/feature/texml/content/demo-converter.tex usedmethod=direct used files > 5: filename=demo.xml foundname=demo.xml usedmethod=direct used files > 6: filename=lmmono10-regular filetype=otf format=otf foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmmono10-regular.otf usedmethod=database used files > 7: filename=lpdf-pdx.xml filetype=tex foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/lpdf-pdx.xml usedmethod=database system > files > stop used files system > structure > start used structure used structure > text: demo-converter system > structure > stop used structure system > files > start used files used file > 1: filename=cont-yes.mkiv filetype=tex foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv usedmethod=database used file > 2: filename=cont-new.mkiv filetype=tex foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv usedmethod=database used file > 3: filename=lang-us.lua filetype=lua foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/patterns/lang-us.lua usedmethod=database used file > 4: filename=/Users/sanderson/dev/doc/main/feature/texml/content/demo-converter.tex foundname=/Users/sanderson/dev/doc/main/feature/texml/content/demo-converter.tex usedmethod=direct used file > 5: filename=demo.xml foundname=demo.xml usedmethod=direct used file > 6: filename=lmmono10-regular filetype=otf format=otf foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmmono10-regular.otf usedmethod=database used file > 7: filename=lpdf-pdx.xml filetype=tex foundname=/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/lpdf-pdx.xml usedmethod=database system > files > stop used files system > options > start commandline options used option > currentrun="1" used option > fulljobname="./demo-converter.tex" used option > input="./demo-converter.tex" used option > kindofrun="1" used option > maxnofruns="8" used option > no-parse-first-line="true" system > options > stop commandline options system > options > start commandline files used file > 1: ./demo-converter.tex system > options > stop commandline files mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmfcnf.lua;selfautoparent:/texmf-dist/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: readable: '/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/context/a86c089b384a3076dc514ba966a1fac9' | readable+writable: '/Users/sanderson/Library/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/context/a86c089b384a3076dc514ba966a1fac9' mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.415 seconds, 0 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 7 found files, scanned paths: mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 326 modules (0.207 sec), 69 tables (0.003 sec), 395 chunks (0.210 sec) mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 41 nodes, 9 lists of 441 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 3 penalty, 12 attribute, 36 glue_spec, 3 attribute_list mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 6 unique task lists, 5 instances (re)created, 103 calls mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2 mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.005 seconds saving, 0.001 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: 290 direct, 197 indirect, 487 total mkiv lua stats > randomizer: resumed with value 0.88342237327407 mkiv lua stats > xml load time: 0.002 seconds, 1 files, 1 converted mkiv lua stats > lxml preparation time: 0.000 seconds, 9 nodes, 20 lpath calls, 1 cached calls mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: demo-converter.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompreslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 1 files: lmmono10-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > fonts load time: 0.042 seconds mkiv lua stats > luatex banner: this is luatex, version beta-0.76.0-2013052718 (tex live 2013) (rev 4627) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 35558 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > current memory usage: 47 MB (ctx: 47 MB) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.676 seconds, 2 processed pages, 2 shipped pages, 2.959 pages/second -- steveo at member.fsf.org What you say does matter, and so does how you say it.