To recap: the aim is to get oldstyle numerals in mathmode using TeX Gyre Termes otherwise;

\definefontfamily[mainface][serif][TeXGyre Termes][features=f:oldstyle]

\definefallbackfamily[mainface][mm][TeX Gyre Pagella]

\definefontfamily[mainface][mm][TeXGyre Termes Math]


Euclid \emph{Elem}.\ 3.20 states that if $BC$ is  joined to the center $O$ of the circle, then $\angle BOC = 2\cdot\angle A$,  and $\angle BOC$ is equal to arc $BC$, that is, 
Euclid \emph{Elem}.\ 3.20 states that if $BC$ is  joined to the center $O$ of the circle, then $\angle BOC = 2\cdot\angle A$,  and $\angle BOC$ is equal to arc $BC$, that is, 


in mathmode in the footnote, ones gets:
(a) oldstyle numerals (from Pagella) but no math symbols etc
(b) if the line   preset=math:digitsnormal   is commented out,
math symbols etc but but regular numerals.

I am using the latest beta of the standalone (05.15.2017).


On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Alan Bowen <> wrote:
Just for the record: The problem with mathmode in footnotes persists with the latest standalone ConTeXt  ver: 2017.05.12 (even with Termes instead of the Brill font).


On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 1:22 PM, Hans Hagen <> wrote:

% doesn't work, no cdot

% \definefallbackfamily
%   [mainface]
%   [mm]
%   [Brill]
%   [range={digitsnormal},
%    features=f:oldstyle,
%    force=yes]
% \definefontfamily[mainface][rm][Brill]
%   [protrusion=quality,expansion=quality]
% \definefontfamily[mainface][mm][TeX Gyre Pagella Math]
%   [scale=0.80,force=yes]
% \definefontfamily[mainface][tt][Dejavu Sans Mono]
% \setupbodyfont[mainface,10pt]

works ok:




Euclid \emph {Elem}.\ 3.20 states that if \m {BC} is joined to the center \m {O}
of the circle, then \m {\angle BOC = 2 \cdot \angle A}, and \m {\angle BOC} is
equal to \m {BC\kern-1em\raise1.8ex\hbox to 1em {\frown}}. \footnote {Euclid \emph
{Elem}.\ 3.20 states that if \m {BC} is joined to the center \m{O} of the circle,
then \m {\angle BOC = 2 \cdot \angle A}, and \m {\angle BOC} is equal to \m
{BC\kern-1em\raise1.8ex\hbox to 1em {\frown}}.}


I have no clue why selectfont fails in footnotes. Maybe Wolfgang hasa clue.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        [NTG-context] problem with mathmode in footnotes
Date:   Mon, 8 May 2017 19:01:05 -0400
From:   Alan Bowen <>
Reply-To:       mailing list for ConTeXt users <>
To:     mailing list for ConTeXt users <>

The code


\definefallbackfamily[mainface][mm][TeX Gyre Pagella]

\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [mm] [Brill] [preset=math:lowercasegreeknormal]
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [mm] [Brill] [preset=math:lowercasegreekitalic]
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [mm] [Brill] [preset=math:uppercasegreeknormal]
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [mm] [Brill] [preset=math:uppercasegreekitalic]

\definefontfamily[mainface][mm][TeXGyre Termes Math][scale=0.94]



Euclid \emph{Elem}.\ 3.20 states that if \m{BC} is  joined to the center \m{O} of the circle, then \m{\angle BOC = 2\cdot\angle A},  and \m{\angle BOC} is equal to  \m{BC\kern-1em\raise1.8ex\hbox{\frown}}.%
\footnote{Euclid \emph{Elem}.\ 3.20 states that if \m{BC} is  joined to the center \m{O} of the circle, then \m{\angle BOC = 2\cdot\angle A}, and \m{\angle BOC} is equal to \m{BC\kern-1em\raise1.8ex\hbox{\frown}}.}

processes as it should using earlier versions (e.g., ConTeXt  ver: 2017.03.26)  but goes awry using ConTeXt  ver: 2017.05.06.

So far as I can tell, the problem comes with the specification of the fonts. If one omits the stuff before “\starttext”, the footnote looks as it should and everyone but the publisher would be happy.
