For anyone interested in producing classical indices locorum, I have devised a way that seems to work, although it is not that elegant. The first step is to modify the sort keys by counting the number of digits in the page number: thus, [AuthorText01] for pages 1–9, [AuthorText02] for pages 10–99, and so on The next is to insert the command “ \ab” (note the space) when the line number is a single digit: thus 391. \ab{}2 but 391.12 in the entry specification {Author+Text+page.line} For \ab, I have: \newdimen\digitwidth \setbox0=\hbox{\tfx\char32} \digitwidth=\wd0 \def\ab{\tfx\kern-\digitwidth} The hitch here is that the font size is not context dependent. Alan On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 6:39 PM, Alan Bowen wrote: > I have been trying to index the passages cited in a book and would be > grateful for some tactical advice. > > There are several works by a single author, and it is customary to cite > each text by page and line number, as in 1253.12 (page 1253, line12), for > example. > > I have a sort key for each work. But now I need a way to get the entry > > 1253.7 (page 1253, line 7) before the entry > 1253.12 (page 1253, line 12). > > \[Passage[AuthorText]{Author+Text+1253.07}1253.7 or > \[Passage[AuthorText]{Author+Text+1253.07}1253. 7 > would work, but it is really better to have the index entry as “1253.7” > rather than as “1253.07” or “1253. 7” > > I have experimented with different sort keys—e.g., AuthorText125307—and > can generate an index with the 1235.7 and so on in the proper place and > form, say, before 1253.12. > > But then the problem is that I also get entire sequences of entries out of > order (485.19, 485.21 before 477.31, and so on). Very puzzling. (Restoring > the sort key AuthorText removes the latter problems but then leaves 1253.7 > in the wrong place.) > > If anyone has experience with this or just some ideas for a solution, > their suggestions will be most welcome. > > I am using the MKII in the latest ConTeXt standalone. > > Alan > > > >