I have created 22 MSword files mainly text with embedded PNG diagrams.  I am seeking to have these converted to Context and to redo the (simple) diagrams.  I was thinking of using MetaPost.  I am seeking to pay a typesetter to assist me in this task.  I would be willing to pay for your time or for the time of a colleague you could direct me to.  I am seeking to have typeset a book.  The MSWord files have already been professionally proof-read, and the subject matter is political economy from the 18th century and how this translates to and may contradict conventional wisdom within the field of modern economics.

Other typesetters I have contacted have suggested running pandoc to create a LaTeX file and use Tikz for the diagrams.  But I have spent 3 days reading on advancements in the ConText side of the industry which I suspect is far more advanced.  I would prefer to use better tools as a longer term solution.  Can you advise me?

David Roderick.