On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Wolfgang Schuster < schuster.wolfgang@gmail.com> wrote: > > > I won’t trust this pagenumber check because when a reference appears at > the begin of a page > it can sometimes use the pagenumber of the previous page (hard to notice > when you use \page > in your examples to force a page break). > > ah yes, when the pagetotal is greater than the pagegoal of the MVL and the pagebox is not splitted the realfolio counter is still the old one. \placefigure[none][FOOa]{FOOa}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=1cm]} \vskip20cm is shown in \in{figure}[FOOa]% \doifreferencefoundelse{FOOa}{\ifnum\realfolio=\the\numexpr\currentreferencepage+0\relax\else\at{page}[FOOa]\fi}{}% %%% \newcount\mypagenr \def\MyAtPage[#1]% {\doifreferencefoundelse{#1}{% %(\the\pagetotal,\the\pagegoal) \mypagenr=\the\realpageno% \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen% \ifdim\pagetotal>\pagegoal\advance\mypagenr by1\fi% \edef\tmp{\currentreferencepage}% \ifnum\mypagenr=\the\numexpr\tmp+0\relax\else\at{page}[#1]\fi\fi}{}% } \starttext \placefigure[][FOO]{FOO}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=1cm]} %\vskip12cm FOO is shown in \in{figure}[FOO] \MyAtPage[FOO]% \placefigure[][FOOa]{FOOa}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=1cm]} \vskip20cm \placefigure[][FOOb]{FOOb}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=1cm]} FOOb is shown in \in{figure}[FOOb] \MyAtPage[FOOb] FOOa is shown in \in{figure}[FOOa] \MyAtPage[FOOa] FOOc is shown in \in{figure}[FOOc] \MyAtPage[FOOc] \placefigure[][FOOc]{FOOc}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=1cm]} FOOd is shown in \in{figure}[FOOd] \MyAtPage[FOOd] \vskip20cm \placefigure[][FOOd]{FOOd}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=1cm]} \stoptext -- luigi