On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 4:21 AM, <hwitloc@gmail.com> wrote:

I likewise find the Sumatr pdf viewer better.  Besides the benefits already mentioned, it also has the proper quality of being non-intrusive.  Adobe readers are quite happy to bloat your memory and take control or otherwise intrude on your system's normal operations.

I don't use Adobe's reader at all.
Adobe Reader/Acrobat is the reference: is you see and print a pdf with Acrobat under Windows 8 you are on the right side.
Otherwise you are on the wrong side.
For javascript, if the pdf  works under Acrobat under Windows 8 it's ok, otherwise no.

If Reader/Acrobat doesn't complain the question if the pdf is valid or not is not important for and end user (ok, it's not true for pdf/a).

Until now I have found the sumatrapdf is (very) good, but it cannot be used as reference.