On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 12:59 PM, Dr. Dominik Klein < Dominik.Klein@outlook.com> wrote: > Context is the only Tex-based system that allows to properly tag a pdf. > Tagged PDFs are one major requirement for accessibility. > > Indeed, in several large organizations/universities, accessibility is > mandated by law, and this is a major obstacle for using Tex. In practice > compliance is often assessed with Acrobat Pro's > accessibility checker. > > Context produces a nice tag-structure, but there are some minor issues > that prevent compliance to [1], and hence Acrobat Pro complains during the > check. The main issues are: > > 1.) Elements that are not contained in the structure tree are not marked > as an artifact. Consider this example: > > ------------------------------- > \setuptagging[state=start] > > \setuppagenumbering > [location=, > alternative=doublesided] > > \setupheadertexts > [{Chapter~\getmarking[chapternumber]\hskip1em\getmarking[chapter]}] > [{Header Right}] > [{Header Left}] > [{Chapter~\getmarking[chapternumber]\hskip1em\getmarking[chapter]}] > > \setupfootertexts > [Organization Name] > [pagenumber] > [pagenumber] > [Organization Name] > > \starttext > \startfrontmatter > something > \stopfrontmatter > > \startbodymatter > some more text here > \stopbodymatter > \stoptext > ------------------------------- > > Header, footer, pagenumber etc. will not be included in the tag structure. > Of course this makes absolutely sense and is correct, however according to > Section of [1], then this content that is not in the structure > tree should be marked as an artifact, i.e. > > /Artifact > BMC > .. > EMC > > or in an advanced way with /Artifact PropertyList where the type of > Artifact can be defined. It would be nice if those elements that are not > included in the tag tree would be marked as artifacts by default. The same > holds for \startelement[ignore] when one wants to explicitly remove > something from the structure tree. > > 2.) Images without alternate text: > According to Section 14.9.3 of [1], alternate descriptions in human > readable text should be provided for images. It would be really helpful, > if these could be defined in the source tex file, and then automatically > added when creating the object in the structure tree. I.e. it would be > nice to have something like: > > \placefigure[top][Image Reference]{Caption}{ > \externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=10cm][alternate text = "This images shows a > beautiful cow."] > } > > The same holds for formulas: Whereas the mathml-like tagging of Context is > very advanced, sometimes it might be still helpful to supply a textual > description (alt-text ="The definition of the Pythagorean theorem: a^2 + > b^2 = c^2") > > 3.) Tag names of the resulting tag structure: > Section 14.8.4 of [1] defines standard structure types, such as ,

, > etc. Context creates a tag-tree that uses names directly > representing the structure names of the context laguage, such as > . This should however be mapped to something standard, such > as . Interestingly these mappings seem to have been considered in > strc-tag.mkiv but I was unable to generate such a tagged pdf. > Editing/Outcommenting things in strc-tag.mkiv didn't work for me. It would > be nice if there was a switch somewhere, i.e. > \setuptagging[state=start,tagnames=pdf17] - or maybe I overlooked something? > > 4.) Acrobat Pro always complains that the language for the whole document > is not set. > > 5.) Tables > The generated structure looks something like this: > > > > ... > > > ... > > Here, not only are the tag names non-compliant, also the tag structure > should distinguish between the table header (THead), and table rows > (TBody), c.f. Section of [1]. A simple heuristic would be > to always put the first line into THead tags, and the rest of the able > into TBody. > > 6.) It would be nice if a flat tag structure could be created optionally. > This is not a required feature according to [1], and in fact a properly > nested structure is surely preferable for the final output; for debugging > or checking during document creation however, a flat structure tree > sometimes is easier to browse through. > > All in all, these seem to be the only issues that prevent accessible PDF > documents with context. For those within an organization where > accessibility is required legally for all publications, compliance to at > least Acrobat Pro's checks is a huge issue. I do not know how difficult > these things are to implement in Context (personally I am just lost in the > code), but looking at e.g. tex.stackexchange > for question related to accessibility, this is indeed a major obstacle for > several people. > > cheers > > - Dominik > > > [1] ISO 32000-1:2008, available at > http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html > > ___________________________________________________________________________________ > Thank you for the report . It would be nice to have a pdf made by context using \nopdfcompression that have all these issues together with the report emitted by acrobat. Last time I have checked a pfd/a-1a made by context it was all ok, but it was time ago and maybe not all the features were tested deeply. -- luigi