On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Steffen Wolfrum <context@st.estfiles.de> wrote:

an other strange thing related to footnotes can be seen here:

\def\MyNote#1{\switchtobodyfont[12pt]\high{#1}} % <- gives small number
%\def\MyNote#1{\switchtobodyfont[13pt]\high{#1}} % <- gives big number


Hi there!\footnote{I’m a footnote.}

Please run it with 12pt and also with 13pt:
The difference in the number's size is huge, not only 1pt!!

for latin modern default set of points are
 (just grep the sources to see them); try one of these and see what happen.
If you use something different (13pt) than the setupnote just uses the point you have chosen (I suppose).
