On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 1:14 PM Taco Hoekwater wrote: > > > Being Dutch, I never realised there was such a thing as a “Dutch > calendar”. > > These are just calendars? What makes them “Dutch” from an Italian > viewpoint? > > Best wishes, > Taco > > The reference site treccani says https://www.treccani.it/vocabolario/olandese/ Calendario o., quello formato da 12 o 6 fogli contenenti ciascuno uno o due mesi con i giorni disposti in colonna, che si appende alla parete. So, a wall calendar with 12 or 6 sheets, each one within one or two months, but the canonical form is with 12 sheets with the previous month on the left, the current month at the center and the next month on the right, each one with the days in a single column. Of course there are now many variations, but the canonical form is the better one. I don't know the origin of the term. -- luigi