Dear all, in the user manuals I'm working with we'd like to put a graphic in the margin when the text includes a warning or other important information. I have found multiple ways of putting a graphic in the margin (see below), but none of them works perfectly. In some the graphic is placed to the baseline of the first row of the paragraph, in others it is placed lower down and in short paragraphs ends up by the next paragraph. What I want is a symbol in the margin aligned to the top of the paragraph. Is this possible? The graphic is always in the beginning of the paragraph, it doesn't appear in the middle. This is what I have this far: \setupwhitespace[medium] \starttext \inmargin{\externalfigure[warning]} \input tufte \inmargin{\externalfigure[warning]} Really short paragraph. \inleft{ \placefigure[none][]{} {\externalfigure[warning]} } \input tufte \placefigure[leftmargin,none]{}{\externalfigure[warning]} \input tufte \placefigure [inleft,none] {} {\externalfigure[warning]} \input tufte \placefigure [inleft,none] {} {\externalfigure[warning]} Really short paragraph. \stoptext Of course I have the option of making the symbols textheight, in which case \inmargin (aligning to baseline) would work. However, I'd rather keep them bigger if that is possible. Thanks, Mari