Hello, I hope someone has solved this problem already but I haven't been able to find a solution.

When using \setupheader[state=high], my columnset behaves correctly on the first page but runs over the footer area on all subsequent pages.

If I do not use state=high (i.e. normal header on first page) the columnset works correctly. However I need to get rid of that first page header. The result is the same if I set state=high using \setuphead[title][header=high].

I found a mention of this in a forum thread from 2006, but no solution:

>Ehrt, Michael wrote:
>> Do you know if the column text overrunning the footer when using
>> state=high is a general problem or "just me"? If it's just me I'll
>> probably try installing a plain context distribution without miktex on a
>> separate machine...

>I expect it to be a general problem.
I have tried with TexLive 2011 and the 29 nov 2011 beta, but get the same result.

Any help will be appreciated,

Peter Park Nelson