Dear list, Is it possiblet to make implicit plots (i.e. ploting the curves described by equations) in MetaFun? I cannot find anything about them in the MetaFun manual. For example, in Mathematica I can write something like ContourPlot[2 x^5 + x y + y^5 == 0, {x, 0, 2}, {y, -2, 1/2}] to get the attached figure. The closest I have found which is something MetaPost-like, is the levelcurve command in mfpic (see for example this answer If this is not currently possible in MetaFun, what is the simplest way to proceed (I want the same style of the plots as the other ones in my doc)? Is it to 1) somehow run mfpic from within ConTeXt? 2) export points from Mathematica and plot them in ConTeXt (how could that be done?). In the latter case, say I have the points (0,0), (0.4,1), and (0.8,2) exported to a file. What format should it be in to be easily imported and plot in MetaFun? 3) some other way? /Mikael