Hi! Now that the bug with primes is fixed in ConTeXt, I wonder if there is a way to change the kerning between certain characters in mathematics (in case one is not happy with the output from the font)? After reading in fonts-mkiv.pdf this is what I came up with: \startluacode fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature { name = "kerntest", type = "kern", data = { [0x61] = { [0x62] = -150 }, -- a and b in text [0x1d44e] = { [0x1d44f] = -150 }, -- mathematical italic small a and b [0x02032] = { [0x00028] = -150 }, -- prime and left parenthesis } } \stopluacode \definefontfeature[kerntest][kerntest=yes] \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][rm][Lucida Bright OT] \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][mm][Lucida Bright Math OT] \setupbodyfont[lucidaopentype,10pt] \startTEXpage[offset=3pt] abba $abba f'(x)$ \addff{kerntest} abba $abba f'(x)$ I prefer $f'\mkern-3mu(x)$ \stopTEXpage The output is attached as a png file. As you see the kerning works as expected in text mode, but not at all in math mode, even not for the a and b (which I hope I entered correctly). Something like the third line is what I'm after, but not having to use \mkern in all places. Is it possible? /Mikael PS: This is a cross post of the question https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/372857/52406, where I got the suggestion to ask on the list.