Hi! I look for a way to randomize control points of a path, leaving the coordinates themselves untouched. The reason is the following: I want to draw (for example) a circle with a triangle inside, and I want them to look slightly randomized. If I do (see attached pdf for a typical result of this) \startMPpage draw fullcircle scaled 2cm randomized 0.1cm; draw ((1cm,0)--(0,1cm)--(-1cm,0)--cycle) randomized 0.1cm; \stopMPpage then the corners of the triangle does not stay on the circle (and I want them to). [I dont want the triangle to consist of perfectly straight lines, so I cannot (directly) draw the triangle using different points along the randomized circle] I imagine that one could achieve what I want if one could randomize the control points only. Also, is it possible to randomize a picture (consisting of several paths/points) somehow, without randomizing each part of it manually? /Mikael