Hi, I'm bringing up an old question on placing the qedsymbol, or closesymbol as it is also called. This was previously discussed in https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2014/079807.html and the purpose of this post is to ask if there is any solution to the problem now. Looking at the file below (output is attached), when the proof ends with a displayed formula, the closesymbol is located one row down. I want it to be (flushright) on the same line as the displayed formula. If I use \placeclosesymbol the closesymbol is indeed put on the correct line, but not flushright. Any ideas? I'm willing to use some command like \placeclosesymbol in the occations when the proof ends with a displayed formula. /Mikael \defineenumeration[proof][ number=no, text=Proof, headstyle={\it}, alternative=serried, width=fit, closesymbol={$\square$}, ] \starttext \startproof This is a short proof. \stopproof \startproof This is another short proof, ending with the formula \startformula 1+1=2. \stopformula \stopproof \startproof This is another short proof, ending with the formula \startformula 1+1=2.\placeclosesymbol \stopformula \stopproof \startproof This is a rather advanced proof, ending with formulas \startformula \startalign \NC 1+1 \NC = 2,\NR \NC 2+2 \NC = 4.\NR \stopalign \stopformula \stopproof \startproof This is a rather advanced proof, ending with formulas \startformula \startalign \NC 1+1 \NC = 2,\NR \NC 2+2 \NC = 4.\placeclosesymbol\NR \stopalign \stopformula \stopproof \stoptext