Hello, I have a special `makeup' for the abstract page: \definemakeup [abstractpage] I also have general `makeup' setup: \setupmakeup[ doublesided={no}, pagestate={start}, page={yes}, ] The footer is available from general `layout' setup: \setuplayout[ footer={16pt}, header={\zeropoint}, margin={\zeropoint}, ] Page numbering comes from general `pagenumbering' setup: \setuppagenumbering [location={footer}] I'm aware that `makeup' pages don't display page numbers even though they can count them with the `pagestate={start}' setting. However, for this particular `makeup' (`abstractpage') I would like to force the display of page number. I've tried \startabstractpagemakeup \setuppagenumbering [location={footer}] ... \stopabstractpagemakeup in hope that `makeup' simply sets `location=' behind the scenes to hide the page number, but it seems that I was wrong. Is it possible to force page number placement for a particular `makeup'? Thanks a lot. Kind regards, Alexander