Hi, list! I've read elsewhere \MPrawvar allows a preset to be applied outside \start...\stopuseMPgraphic. \startuseMPgraphic{hi} draw fullcircle scaled \MPrawvar{hi}{u}; \stopuseMPgraphic \setupMPvariables[hi][u=1cm] \startMPcode \includeMPgraphic{hi} \stopMPcode However, \includeMPgraphic{...} only accepts one argument. I've come up with a somewhat ugly solution to pass a different value: \begingroup %\start \setupMPvariables[hi][u=2cm] \startMPcode \includeMPgraphic{hi} \stopMPcode \endgroup %\stop %Outside \MPrawvar{hi}{u} will be 1cm What should I do to keep redefinitions local or pass settings only for certain instances of \IncludeMPgraphic{...}? Is there a better solution? Thank you in advance. Best regards and best wishes for this New Year! Jairo