Document title (completely missing) 2022-08-12
This title seems to be missing Hello code …​
How it works // test.cpp: halfword tex_copy_node(halfword p) { /*tex We really need a stub for copying because mem might move in the meantime due to resizing! */ if (p < 0 || p >= lmt_node_memory_state.nodes_data.allocated) { return tex_formatted_error("nodes", "attempt to copy an impossible node %d", (int) p); } else if (p > lmt_node_memory_state.reserved && lmt_node_memory_state.nodesizes[p] == 0) { return tex_formatted_error("nodes", "attempt to copy a free %s node %d", get_node_name(node_type(p)), (int) p); } else { /*tex type of node */ halfword t = node_type(p); int i = get_node_size(t); /*tex current node being fabricated for new list */ halfword r = tex_get_node(i); /*tex this saves work */ memcpy((void *) (lmt_node_memory_state.nodes + r), (void *) (lmt_node_memory_state.nodes + p), (sizeof(memoryword) * (unsigned) i)); if (tex_nodetype_is_complex(i)) { // halfword copy_stub; if (tex_nodetype_has_attributes(t)) { add_attribute_reference(node_attr(p)); node_prev(r) = null; lmt_properties_copy(lmt_lua_state.lua_instance, r, p); } node_next(r) = null; switch (t) { case glue_node: copy_sub_list(glue_leader_ptr(r), glue_leader_ptr(p)); break;