Hi! I have a table with 39 columns (the file is attached). With the context version: ConTeXt Process Management 1.01 current version: 2017.05.15 21:48 I don't have any problem; but with the newer version: ConTeXt Process Management 1.02 current version: 2019.04.29 08:52 show the next error: tex error > tex error on line 114 in file /home/fmolina/tempo/latex/context/pbas/ts.tex: ! Dimension too large \tabl_ntb_table_get_max_width ...<\wd \scratchbox \relax \scratchdimen \wd \... \tabl_ntb_table_stop ...l_ntb_table_get_max_width \ifautoTBLspread \tabl_ntb... \eTABLE ...oveunwantedspaces \tabl_ntb_table_stop \stopTBLprocessing \fi \po... l.114 \eTABLE My table is: \setupTABLE[header][each][background=color,backgroundcolor=white, width=broad] \bTABLE[split=repeat,option={stretch}, align={flushright}, frame=off] \bTABLEhead[align=flushright] \bTR \bTH [offset=none, align={flushleft}, nc=39] ..... \eTH ... \bTR[strut=no] \bTD[align={flushleft,lohi}, nr=1] { \bTABLE[option={stretch},offset=0pt, frame=off] ... \eTABLE % fin de tabla interna en columna matriz } \eTD \bTD[ width=broad, nr=1 ] banco 1\eTD \bTD[ width=broad, nr=1 ] banco 1\eTD ... % to complet 39 columns When i remove "width=broad" from the "\bTD...banco 1\eTD" i can generate my pdf with it new version How wan resolve this problem? please guide me!! Thank's in advance! See you