Hello Hans & Wolfgang, I just updated to the recent beta: 2016.07.01 16:28 Is that the latest version or is there something wrong with the update mechanism? In any case, most my Farsi tests are broken now and the culprit seems to be \linedir. Here is MWE: \setuphead[section][numberstyle=\righttoleft] \starttext \section{SALAM} \stoptext The error looks like the following: Undefined control sequence \spac_directions_righttoleft_hmode ...ip \linedir TRT\relax \else \scratchsk... \righttoleft ...spac_directions_righttoleft_hmode \fi \dousecurrentstyleparameter ...rentstyleparameter \fi \fi \useheadstyleandcolor ...usecurrentstyleparameter \fi \edef \currentcolorpar... \strc_rendering_initialize_style_and_color_display ... \relax \ifconditional \fon... \headnumbercontent ...!numberstyle \c!numbercolor \ifcsname \currentheadhash... ... l.14 \section{SALAM} —MHB