2011/12/12 Wolfgang Schuster <schuster.wolfgang@googlemail.com>
Am 08.12.2011 um 11:21 schrieb Philipp A.
hi list,

i want to make an exercise sheet style. exercises are already correctly rendered as “Exercise <1>: <Text>”, but sub-exercises should simply be like “<a>)”.

what i tried:




\setuphead[subsection][numberconversion=characters, …]


but i have no idea what i’m doing in the first case and even less idea of what i’m doing wrong in the second.

documentation would help in both cases, but contextgarden just has some (for me) incomprehensible examples.

For a list with the correct names of the keys look here (the “conversion” in the pdf for \setuphead is wrong but i fixed it in my local version): https://bitbucket.org/wolfs/commands/downloads


very nice, thanks. i willput it on contextgarden as soon as i figured out what exactly it does (i.e. how it works together with numbercommand)