Hello, For my student notes, there are ten numbered chapters, and one unnumbered ("Answers to Exercises"). I want all of these to appear in the table of contents. So: 1. First Chapter 2. Second chapter 10. Tenth Chapter Answers to Exercises I've set up the chapters with \def\chap#1#2{\vbox{Chapter #1\crlf\framed[frame=off,topframe=on]{#2}}} \setuphead[chapter][ command=\chap, style=bfd, after={\blank[1cm]}, ] However, I don't want this heading on the exercises; just the title. How can I easily achieve all of this? I've tried with \title[Answers to Exercises] and \writetolist[content]{}{Answers to Exercises} but these don't seem to work. Thanks, Alasdair -- Blog: http://amca01.wordpress.com Web: http://sites.google.com/site/amca01/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alasdair.mcandrew