I guess the code I am looking for is the below to hatch the cut-out section. How can I load the MetaPost hatching package in Context minimals so it understands the hatchfill command? Thanks Jeroen \startMPinclusions input hatching; \stopMPinclusions \starttext \placefigure[here,force][fig:tubing]{Tubular Linear Volumetric Capacity} {\startMPcode % inner circle draw fullcircle xscaled 2.5cm yscaled 0.7cm shifted (1.25cm,0); draw (0,0) -- (0,-5cm) dashed evenly; draw (2.5cm,0) -- (2.5cm,-5cm) dashed evenly; draw fullcircle xscaled 2.5cm yscaled 0.7cm shifted (1.25cm,-5cm) dashed evenly; %outer circle draw fullcircle xscaled 2.9cm yscaled 1cm shifted (1.25cm,0); draw (-.2cm,0) -- (-.2cm,-5cm); draw (2.7cm,0) -- (2.7cm,-5cm); draw halfcircle scaled 2.9cm yscaled 0.012cm shifted (1.25cm,-5cm) dashed evenly; draw halfcircle scaled 2.9cm yscaled 0.012cm rotated 180 shifted (1.25cm,-5cm); %cut-out section hatchfill circle withcolor (45, 5mm, -.5bp); fill fullcircle xscaled 2.5cm yscaled 0.7cm shifted (1.25cm,-2.7cm) withcolor (.6,.6,.6); label.top("tubular",(1.26cm,-1.3cm)); label.top("inside area",(1.28cm,-1.8cm)); label.top("($in^2$)",(1.28cm,-2.4cm)); %arrows and label ID drawarrow (0,-4.1cm) -- (2.5cm,-4.1cm); drawarrow (2.5cm,-4.1cm) -- (0,-4.1cm); label.top("ID ($in$)",(1.26cm,-4.15cm)); %arrows and label tubular length draw (3.25cm,-5cm) -- (3.25cm,0); drawarrow (3.25cm,-5) -- (3.25cm,0); drawarrow (3.25cm,0) -- (3.25cm,-5cm); label.top("tubular length ($in$)",(5.2cm,-2.75cm)); \stopMPcode} \stoptext 2015-12-06 21:54 GMT+01:00 Context NTG : > I am trying to graph a cylinder. Is there a way to draw a more elliptic > top/bottom. This one seems some flattened at the top and bottom. I would > like to hatch the mid elliptic that is collored grey now. Is there a way to > do this. > > Thanks > Jeroen > > > > \placefigure > > [here,force] > > [fig:tubing] > > {Tubular Linear Volumetric Capacity} > > {\startMPcode > > > draw (0,0){up} ... (1.25cm, 2mm) ... (2.5cm,0){down} ... (1.25cm, -2mm) > ... cycle; > > draw (0,0) -- (0,-5cm) dashed evenly; > > draw (2.5cm,0) -- (2.5cm,-5cm) dashed evenly; > > draw (0,-5cm){up} ... (1.25cm, -4.8cm) ... (2.5cm,-5cm){down} ... (1.25cm, > -5.2cm) ... cycle dashed evenly; > > > draw (-.2cm,0){up} ... (1.25cm, 3.5mm) ... (2.7cm,0){down} ... (1.25cm, > -3.5mm) ... cycle; > > draw (-.2cm,0) -- (-.2cm,-5cm); > > draw (2.7cm,0) -- (2.7cm,-5cm); > > draw (-.2cm,-5cm){up} ... (1.25cm, -4.7cm) ... (2.7cm,-5cm){down} dashed > evenly; > > draw (-.2cm,-5cm){down} ... (1.25cm, -5.3cm) ... (2.7cm,-5cm){up}; > > > fill (0,-2.5cm){up} ... (1.25cm, -2.3cm) ... (2.5cm,-2.5cm){down} ... > (1.25cm, -2.7cm) ... cycle withcolor (.6,.6,.6) dashed evenly; > > label.top("tubular",(1.26cm,-1.1cm)); > > label.top("inside area",(1.28cm,-1.6cm)); > > label.top("($in^2$)",(1.28cm,-2.2cm)); > > > draw (3.25cm,-5cm) -- (3.25cm,0); > > drawarrow (3.25cm,-5) -- (3.25cm,0); > > drawarrow (3.25cm,0) -- (3.25cm,-5cm); > > label.top("tubular length ($in$)",(5.2cm,-2.75cm)); > > > \stopMPcode} >