linecap:=butt ;

Am 14. Februar 2017 16:53:04 MEZ schrieb Fabrice Couvreur <>:
In the code below, the red vertical line extends beyond the edges of the cell.
Thank you


  linecap:=squared ;
  path p ; p := unitsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) ;
  drawoptions (withpen pencircle withcolor \MPcolor{red}) ;
  draw .5[llcorner p, lrcorner p]--.5[ulcorner p, urcorner p] ;
  setbounds currentpicture to p ;






    \bTD \math{\red 0 {\rm (A)}} \eTD
    \bTD \math{+\infty}          \eTD
    \bTD                         \eTD
    \bTD  \math{+\infty}         \eTD

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