Dag ok, ConTeXt-garden suggests to use Smultron editor with Minimal-ConTeXt installation - http://wiki.contextgarden.net/ ConTeXt_Minimals#Smultron_installation_and_configuration and gives some information about how to configure Smultron to work as an editor for ConTeXt. Question: Might it be worthwile to use Smultron (instead of TeXShop) as editor also with the Mac-TeX-TL installation which I have? Then, how to adjust the configuration of Smultron in that case, _instead_ of the following for Minimal-ConTeXt (quoted from that instruction): ---------------------------------------- 4. Create a new command by pressing the "New Command" button and type a name (e.g. "minimalsTexexec"). Then, write in the text field at the bottom: #!/bin/sh cd /Applications/ConTeXtMinimals/ . /Applications/ConTeXtMinimals/tex/setuptex /Applications/ ConTeXtMinimals/tex cd %%d texexec %%p ---------------------------------------- As far as I'm able to look after it, my TeXLife installation is located in: /usr/local/texlive/2007 with ConTeXt scripts in: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/context But I don't dare to adapt the Smultron configuration above without confirmation or alternative instruction ... Or have I to decide wether to continue to use ConTeXt in MacTeX- TeXLife with TeXShop _OR_ to install Minimal-ConTeXt and use it with Smultron? Goutgaun! joachim -- Kreimer-de Fries