Hi Khaled, As far as I know, the signs less than: < greater than: > similar or less than: ⪝ similar or greater than: ⪞ less than or equal: ⪬ greater or equal: ⪭ (and there are othersigns of the same category) should be treated in the same way, as with = or \equiv, since they are mathematical relations. On the other hand interior product: ⨼ right hand interior product: ⨽ should be treated as +, \times, or \wedge, since they are binary operations. Best regards: OK %%% sample-xits.tex \setupbodyfont[xits] \starttext These signs should have exactly the same spacing around them: $$a = b$$ $$a \equiv b$$ $$a < b$$ $$a ⪝ b$$ $$a ⪞ b$$ $$a ⪬ b$$ $$a ⪭ b$$ These signs should have exactly the same spacing around them: $$a ⨼ b$$ $$a ⨽ b$$ $$a \wedge b$$ $$a \times b$$ $$a + b$$ \stoptext %%% end sample-xits.tex