Dear Sirs

I'm trying to run an old code that imports the t-scancsv module. However, I encountered an error message that did not happen before. The same error can be reproduced in the module package when I run "context list.tex". The error is on the line: 

\ doloopif {\ Flag} {~ =} {anl} {\ lineaction} don’t work anymore, the same for \ doloopif {\ Flag} {==} {anl} {\ lineaction} 

but  \ doloopif {1} {= =} {1} {\ lineaction} is ok.

And the error is

<argument> \Email 
\mailto #1->\useURL [#1
                       ][mailto:#1][][#1]\from [{#1}]
<argument> ...\bTD \ \flagpicture \eTD \bTD \fcol \ttx \mejl 
                                                  \eTD \eTR 
\expanded ...m_syst_helpers_expanded {\noexpand #1
\20>>1 ...v.gNumLine-1;}\else \blinehook \tempiii 
                                                  \elinehook \fi \nextrow \i...
\syst_helpers_loop_yes ...helpers_recurse_content 
l.81 \doloopif{\Flag}{~=}{anl}{\lineaction}


Thanks for your support.

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