Hi, Anyone managed to get Vista fonts working? http://schuster.wolfgang.googlepages.com/files doesn't seem to support small caps, old style numerals etc. The source is attached and the sample is at http://vega.soi.city.ac.uk/~abbg770/cambria-test.pdf (158 kb). I fonts were simply copied over from my vista install to my ~/.fonts; there's a total of 24 fonts. Notice the .ttc files :|, and why do I have to copy the fonts over to my current working directory just so that LuaTeX can detect them? tree . |-- Candara.ttf |-- Candarab.ttf |-- Candarai.ttf |-- Candaraz.ttf |-- calibri.ttf |-- calibrib.ttf |-- calibrii.ttf |-- calibriz.ttf |-- cambria.ttc |-- cambriab.ttf |-- cambriai.ttf |-- cambriaz.ttf |-- consola.ttf |-- consolab.ttf |-- consolai.ttf |-- consolaz.ttf |-- constan.ttf |-- constanb.ttf |-- constani.ttf |-- constanz.ttf |-- corbel.ttf |-- corbelb.ttf |-- corbeli.ttf `-- corbelz.ttf 0 directories, 24 files For those who have succeeded creating a wiki page will help alot. -- Thanks alot Mohamed Bana