> You can?t use blocks within other commands but when you use only enumerations in your block you can simplify your code a little bit. > > \defineblock[Block] > \defineenumeration[Enum][location=left,text=Test] > > \setupblock[Block][before=\startEnum,after=\stopEnum] Thanks very much Wolfgang, that seems to work well enough for me. Interestingly though, the formatting is slightly different between defining the blocks and using (recalling) the blocks. When I recall the blocks, the text appears a line below the enumeration labels (see example + attachment below). I had always assumed that \define just did a text replacement (like in c).... looks like I was wrong. How does \define actually work? Could you point me towards some documentation.... I'm struggling to find anything about \define. thanks Glen ------------- \defineblock[Block] \defineenumeration[Enum][location=left,text=Test] \setupblock[Block][before=\startEnum,after=\stopEnum] \starttext \section{Use} \useblocks[Block] \reset[Enum] \section{Define} \beginBlock jhdsa hdsfhj lh dsfjh jkhasdf sdakjhfsal sdkajhf kljsdh \endBlock \beginBlock jhdsa hdsfhj lh dsfjh jkhasdf sdakjhfsal sdkajhf kljsdh fhlkjsad kah dkjh akjhd flkjs lkjsad flkjh salkjhf asd \endBlock \stoptext