In this version: ConTeXt ver: 2015.12.22 10:50 MKIV beta fmt: 2015.12.27 int: english/english I was able to typeset my bibtex citations with \cite. But in the version of ConTeXt-beta I downloaded recently \cite results in blank. There might have been a mention about this recently, but that is all I can remember. What should I change? I am using \module[oldbibtex] at the moment. My usage is through the macros I add for convenience, it might be them causing the problem Hans van der Meer % Custom setup ================================================================ \def\bibentry#1{% start each reference on the next line \breaktemp\def\breaktemp{\hfill\break}% \noexpand\bibentrypar\cite[data][#1]\strut} % Usage: \footnotecite[citation,citation,.. ][optional text] % \footnotecite[citation,citation,..,][optional text on new line] % \footnotecite[citation,,citation,..][optional text] white within \def\footnotecite{\dodoubleargument\dofootnotecite} % footnotes or endnotes \def\mycitenote{\endnote} % Standard form of citations. \def\breaktemp{} \def\Adofootnotecite[#1][#2]{% \def\bibentrypar{\def\bibentrypar{\par}}% \def\breaktemp{}% \unskip\mycitenote{\processcommalist[#1]\bibentry \doifnotempty{#2}{\space#2\strut\par}}} % Disabling citations altogether. \def\Cdofootnotecite[#1][#2]{\ignorespaces}% % Citations switched on. \def\enablecitations{% \writestatus{HVDM-ONDERWIJS}{citations enabled}% \let\dofootnotecite\Adofootnotecite} % Citations switched off. \def\disablecitations{% \writestatus{HVDM-ONDERWIJS}{citations disabled}% \let\dofootnotecite\Cdofootnotecite} % By default citations are off. \let\dofootnotecite\Cdofootnotecite