On 12 Sep 2007, at 09:22, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

The information that \externalfigure should be replaced by
\XeTeXpicfile is misleading. It is a temporary solution for the bug (I
didn't test recently, but I had serious prolems with inclusion of
binary figures and newer PDF file versions), but not a general rule.
The bug should be fixed if it still exists, rather than asking people
to rewrite their sources to low-level commands.

I completely agree, but nobody replied to my post when I complained.

. So my temporary workaround
was to save the photos again in some other program. But it should be

Ok, but this is not a better solution. 
It's only cleaner from a ConTeXt point of view.
So you do not modify the sources but because of the bug you modify 200 jpgs.

In any case,  as I have written, I had not output problems with  \externalfigure, but the rli generation needed many texexec calls to be completed and was too slow 
(even if only for the first time).
Instead, I had no luck at all with pdfs inclusion.

So, my idea would be to clearly specify in the wiki entry that it's a momentary workaround.


Andrea Valle
Universitą degli Studi di Torino

I did this interview where I just mentioned that I read Foucault. Who doesn't in university, right? I was in this strip club giving this guy a lap dance and all he wanted to do was to discuss Foucault with me. Well, I can stand naked and do my little dance, or I can discuss Foucault, but not at the same time; too much information.
(Annabel Chong)