I attempted this:


but that does not work. This definitely moves the page numbers to the footer.

On 24 Oct 2021, at 15:42, Gerben Wierda via ntg-context <ntg-context@ntg.nl> wrote:

My double-sided layout starts each chapter on a right page with a quote on the opposing left page. I’d like to move the page number of that right page to the footer, but haven’t been able to find how to do this is the documentation. How can I do this?



\startsetups chapter:before
        \em \getbuffer[chapter:quote]
    %\noheaderandfooterlines % I want the enumber in the footer here

\startsetups chapter:after


\startbuffer [chapter:quote]
If you think good architecture is expensive, try bad architecture\crlf
{\tf Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder}

\ChapterAbstract{This is chapter abstract 1.}

\dorecurse{5}{\input tufte \par \input knuth}

\ChapterAbstract{This is chapter abstract 2.}

\dorecurse{5}{\input tufte \par \input knuth}


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