Hi Bernard, Transposing your table to an example given by Wolfgang Schuster some time ago I obtain the correct behavior, but I don’t know where the problem in your example comes from… Please see whether the following gives what you want and comapre with the PDF I get here with ConTeXt version 2018.01.14 15:55. Best regards: OK %%%% begin caption-numberstopper-0.tex \setupexternalfigure[location=default] \setupcaptions[numberstopper={:}] \starttext Take a look at \at{picture}[fig:cow] below. \startplacefigure[reference=fig:cow,title=A dutch cow] \externalfigure[cow] \stopplacefigure \placefigure[here][photo]{This is a cow}{\externalfigure[cow][width=2in]} Take a look at \at{table}[tab:1] below. \placetable[here][tab:1]{This is a table}{ \starttable[|c|c|] \HL \NC \bf Year \NC \bf Number of ships \NC\SR \HL \NC 1645 \NC 450 \NC\FR \NC 1671 \NC 480 \NC\MR \NC 1676 \NC 500 \NC\MR \NC 1695 \NC 930 \NC\LR \HL \stoptable} \stoptext %%%% end caption-numberstopper-0.tex