Hi to all,
Sorry if it's stupid.
In a large environment file I have this:

\definetypeface[tSCIRMA][rm][Xserif][Palatino]\definetypeface[tSCIRMA][tt][Xmono][LM Typewriter Regular]\definetypeface[tSCIRMA][ss][Xsans][Lucida Grande]
\setupbodyfont[tSCIRMA, 11pt]

\setuphead[chapter][before={\startframedtext[width=local, foregroundcolor=cirmaBlue, background=color, backgroundcolor=bgGrey, framecolor=cirmaOrange,offset=.25cm,rulethickness=0.05cm]},after={\stopframedtext\blank[.25\textheight]\rm},style=\ss\tfd]

Chapter heads results in bold, but I don't want it. What should I set?
Many thanks

Andrea Valle
Universitą degli Studi di Torino

Think of it as seasoning
. noise [salt] is boring
. F(blah) [food without salt] can be boring
. F(noise, blah) can be really tasty
(Ken Perlin on noise)