Hi all, With the latest release (ConTeXt ver: 2010.11.01 12:14 MKIV), in mkiv the following gives a wrong size for \sum and the integral sign \int, and the bounds of the integral are wrongly placed: %%%% begin bug-times.tex \usetypescript[times] \setupbodyfont[times,12pt] \starttext The expansion of $u\in L^2(0,\pi)$ in the base $(\varphi_{k})_{k\geq1}$ is defined as \startformula u = \sum_{k\geq1} c_{k}(u) \phi_{k}, \qquad \mbox{where } c_{k}(u) := \int_{0}^\pi u(x)\varphi_{k}(x) dx, \stopformula \stoptext %%%% end bug-times.tex As far as I can say, this didn't happen before, but I cannot say from when this is broken. Using \usetypescript[termes] \setupbodyfont[termes,12pt] instead of times, does not change the result. Any idea what is going on? Thanks in advance for your attention and help.