Hi, I've got a deep hierarchy of components, while everything builds fine I have a problem using references. Have a look at the following sample files: reftest.tex: \setuphead[chapter][referenceprefix=+] \starttext \chapter[one]{Chapter One} \section[bla]{Blablabla} See \in{Section}[three:foobar] \chapter[two]{Chapter Two} \section[blubb]{BlubbBlubbBlubb} \subsection{BlubberBlubber} See \in{Section}[one:bla] \component refcomp \stoptext refcomp.tex: \startcomponent refcomp \chapter[three]{Chapter Three} \component refcompsec \stopcomponent refcompsec.tex: \section[foobar]{Foobar Section} See \in{Section}[two:blubb] for more details! \stopcomponent If I move the second component "refcompsec.tex" into the "refcomp.tex" component the reference in chapter one is found. If I translate it as shown using two components the reference in the first chapter is lost. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Cheers, Steffen