Currently, I process a file like this: mtxrun --autogenerate --script context test12.tex and in the file test12.tex one sees something like this: \input archimate-mp \ctxlua{moduledata.archimate(“myarchimatefile.xml")} The latter parses the xml file and produces a PDF using generated MP code. What I would like to do is not have to edit the .tex file when I want to process another .xml file but just pass the name of the xml file on the command line. And I would like to pass on a second filename with some local overrides settings fr my code. All of this needs to be data that I can use in my programming. E.g. something like: mtxrun --autogenerate --script myscriptname “ myarchimatefile.xml” “myhelper.xml" It is OK that this would produce a fixed name output file (e.g. myparsedxml.pdf), so it is OK to have some generic myparsedxml.tex (instead of test12.tex as per my example) file that produces a .pdf and more in the current working directory but resides somewhere in a generic place. But preferably, this would produce myarchimatefile.pdf I’ve read the manual on mtxrun scripts to see if I can make my own, but I’m utterly failing to understand what is written in a way that let me write my own. G