Am 28.08.2014 um 17:17 schrieb Werner Hintze : > Hmm... That’s really strange, What I did: > > I deleted the line with \writebetweenlist and compiled the file. It worked. > I put back the line and triode to compile -> fatal error > I commented out all the lines which had something to do with the table of contend -> fatal error > I changed all back -> fatal error (as expected) > I commented out all the lines in my project files (all the lines with \input and compiled and got an empty file witour errors. > I deleted the comment signs one after the other and compiled every time -> no error > All was how it was, so I entered the \writebetweenlist (absolutely the same: copy and paste) and ... Tatarata! It works... > An enigma. I effectively changed nothing, all is now as it was before. Very, very strange… > Do you set all three arguments for \writebetweenlist, i.e. \writebetweenlist[…]{…}{…} Wolfgang