Hi all, I need to create document where all text is colored (e.g. gray). So I used textbackground, and it works. But if I add some floating table into the document, the text in the table is not colored corectly. Small attached example show this, all texts should be red. The second table has for the errorneous cell set [color=red] too, and neither this works. Example is only an example -- real situation comes from XML document, which is a bit more complicated and the color problems are a bit more complicated too -- colors in the table (color and framecolor too) firstly appear after the first in-cell color change, before this color change table is not colored. But this I did not suceed simplify to the example. Now it seems like textbackground affects floats too (why not) but with some difficulties. One could expect some "renewing" of the backgrounds in the floating table (again why not :-), but this does not work fully too. Thanks for any hints or corrections, have a nice day, Martin