Hello all,

I have been using Context for a while now and have learnt a lot from the manuals and wiki.  I now want to start to use features that are not documented.  On the wiki (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Official_ConTeXt_Documentation#ConTeXt_Sources) I found the following command for producing a pdf output for a module:

texmfstart texexec --module kpse:core-tab.tex

which seems ideal for learning more.  When I run the above command line it creates a .ted file but then complains:

"I can't find the format file 'cont-en.fmt'!"

On Luigi Scarso's page (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/User:Luigi.scarso/modules.pdf) he suggests the following:

texexec --module --pdf core-tab.tex

but this returns no output at all, and no pdf.

I am working on Windows.  I installed (this week) from the context/install/mswincontext.zip on the Pragma site and normally build from the Scite editor.

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?


Richard Stephens